Brawlers Defenders of Core Bakugan


Download Brawlers Defenders of Core Bakugan for PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10.

Nous fournissons Brawlers Defenders of Core Bakugan 2 APK fichier pour Android 4.0+ et plus.
Brawlers Defenders of Core Bakugan is a free Role Playing game.
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La note moyenne est 2.00 de 5 étoiles sur Playstore.
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Toutes les applications & les jeux ici sont destinés à un usage domestique ou personnel uniquement. Si un téléchargement d'apk viole vos droits d'auteur,
veuillez nous contacter. Brawlers Defenders of Core Bakugan is the property and trademark from the developer rayaran gaming studio.

In the actual real-world game, players place large, magnetic cards on a playing surface and then attempt to roll plastic balls onto them.
These balls are the Bakugan and magnetically pop open into their beast form when rolled on top of a card.
Then by way of adding up various G-Power cards and through other rules, a winner in each battle is determined and that player wins a card.
Once a certain number of cards are won, that player is the overall winner of the game.
There\’s more to it than that, but that\’s the basic idea.
The videogame take on the franchise, Brawlers Defenders of Core Bakugan,
puts players in control of a customized character that they attempt to take to the Ultimate Battle Tournament.
Between matches (which include both tournaments and one-off battles at a park, akin to an arcade mode),
you can buy new Bakugan, upgrade defenders of the core, purchase G-Power cards and manage your decks for your next fight.
This setup works well enough, though there\’s a limited number of Bakugan for purchase,
largely because they essentially repeat across the six different types of Bakugan (also known as Attributes).
Depending upon what cards are played and what battlefield you\’re on, one type may provide better bonuses than another,
but it seemed hard to justify having to buy what is pretty much the exact same creature six different times in order to really take advantage of this.
Instead, I just pumped money into the ones I had in order to upgrade them and dealt with the situations as they came up rather than buying a whole new slew of creatures for a new tournament.
Play-wise, a few liberties were taken with the rules of the game in order to make it more exciting,
but really all that happens is that you do all of this stuff to build up to a showdown between two Bakugan Battle,
and then one just runs into the other and quickly wins.
After throwing your Bakugan Fight Brawlers into the playing field, other players can try to knock it off-course while you try to steer your creature into pick-ups on the field to make your Bakugan stronger for the current match.
After that, you can use any of the three Ability cards you\’ve pre-selected to boost your Bakugan\’s G-Power,
and then you play one of three mini-games to further raise your little guy\’s G-Power.
These three mini-games include a lite DDR-esque timing/rhythm game,
a \shooting\game where you shoot your Bakugan\’s Attribute symbol to gain power,
and a third one where you shake the analog sticks as quickly as possible to build up G-Power.

Version: 2

Taille du fichier: 55.52Mo

Nécessite: Androïde 4.0+

Nom du paquet: com.bakuganbattlebrawlers.defendersofthecorefight

Promoteur: rayaran gaming studio

Mis à jour: Août 19, 2017

Prix: Gratuit

Taux 2.00 étoiles – basées sur 1 avis

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How to Play Brawlers Defenders of Core Bakugan App on PC,Fenêtres

1.Téléchargez et installez l'émulateur Android Mumu Player.Cliquez "Télécharger Mumu Player" télécharger.

2.Exécutez l'émulateur Android Mumu Player et connectez-vous à Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search the Brawlers Defenders of Core Bakugan and download,

Ou importez le fichier apk de votre PC dans Mumu Player pour l'installer.

4.Install Brawlers Defenders of Core Bakugan App for PC.Now you can play Brawlers Defenders of Core Bakugan App on PC.Have fun!
