The titans bandicoot Crash


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Nous fournissons The titans bandicoot Crash 1.0 APK + OBB fichier pour Android 4.0.3+ et plus.
The titans bandicoot Crash is a free Adventure game.
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La note moyenne est 4.44 de 5 étoiles sur Playstore.
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Toutes les applications & les jeux ici sont destinés à un usage domestique ou personnel uniquement. Si un téléchargement d'apk viole vos droits d'auteur,
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Hero throws Coco\’s machine at Cortex\’s airship, severing the chain holding Aku Aku\’s cage, which causes the cage to fall into the nearby forest.
After Hero rescues Aku Aku, they discover that Cortex and Uka Uka are stealing Mojo from a nearby temple and decide to stop them.
In the beginning of the game The titans bandicoot Crash, Hero bandicoot aids Coco with a butter-recycling device.
Doctor Neo Cortex arrives, captures Aku Aku and Coco and encases Crunch in ice.
On reaching the temple, Cortex reveals his plot to use the stolen Mojo to create an army of loyal mutants,
which will be used to build a robot known as the Doominator, that will crush the Wumpa Islands and take over the world.
After failing to defeat Hero with his Yuktopus cyborg, Cortex boasts that Hero will never find his base and flies off,
leaving Hero and Aku Aku to follow him.
At Cortex\’s base, Uka Uka derides Cortex for failing to destroy Hero and replaces Cortex with his niece,
Nina Cortex, despite protests from Neo, N. Gin and Tiny Tiger. Nina has Coco brainwashed and makes her participate in the construction of the Doominator.
Throughout the course of the game, Hero and Aku Aku interrogate Tiny Tiger, Doctor N. Gin and Uka Uka on the whereabouts of Coco.
When they confront Nina Cortex inside the Doominator robot, Nina summons her Arachnina cyborg and fights Hero.
Hero eventually destroys the robot, liberating Coco and disabling the Doominator.
The Doominator collapses and barely misses the bandicoot home (and Crunch), sparing much of Wumpa Island.
Escaping from the collapsed Doominator, Cortex praises Nina for betraying him, and promises to be more evil in the near future.
The bandicoots decide that it is time for celebration, leading Hero to shout his first word in the series and the object of their celebration: pancakes.
The DS version of the game largely follows the story of the home console versions,
but with minor alterations such as Nina Cortex having a greater role and the inclusion of Dingodile.
Near the end of the game, Nina teams up with Hero to stop Doctor Cortex and his dancing \CortexBot\”.
The titans bandicoot Crash version also includes Dingodile, some plot differences, such as the Arachnina (referred to by its old name, \”Spiderbot\”)
not being the last boss, and Cortex being reinstated after Nina\’s defeat in the N. Trapment Island.

Version: 1.0

Taille du fichier: 575.42Mo

Nécessite: Androïde 4.0.3+

Nom du paquet: com.crashofthetitans.crashbandicoot

Promoteur: Console Gaming Dev

Mis à jour: Décembre 24, 2017

Prix: Gratuit

Taux 4.44 étoiles – basées sur 288 avis

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How to Play The titans bandicoot Crash App on PC,Fenêtres

1.Téléchargez et installez l'émulateur Android Mumu Player.Cliquez "Télécharger Mumu Player" télécharger.

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Ou importez le fichier apk de votre PC dans Mumu Player pour l'installer.

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